

one thing i have realized... that I would be nowhere without my friends. I have learned that friends are not only there when you need them most, but they also make you want to be a better person. Or they should anyway.

Over the years I have realized that friends are the most important way that God speaks to me. Through my friends, I have come to see who I really am as a person. They truly draw out the best in me, and I really don't think I could possibly be blessed anymore than I am.

I feel like a couple of these people need a shout-out... so here we go. :)

Allie Betancourt-- Oh boy. We're going on two years now, Allie and I am truly blessed by our friendship. We've had our share of ups and downs, but I know that I can tell you anything and you will still love me-- no judging. You stand by me even when I act incredibly stupid and I hope you know that I would do the same. You are definitely my "sistah from anotha mistah" and I am so proud to call you my best friend. DON'T HATE, LOVE.

Lily Scott-- Where in the heck would I be without your encouragement?? You are seriously the most cheerful and caring person I know. I definitely know I couldn't have gotten through these hard times without your prayers and your encouraging spirit. You are wonderful.

Lucy Hamilton-- You are a new bestie. I love the fact that we can chill or talk for hours and never run out of things to discuss!! I'm so glad that we got to hangout this past year and I got to know you. Definitely one of the coolest people I know. ;) "Can we just have 5 minutes on..."

Abbey and Maggie-- You guys get to share one. ;) Umm...our friendship literally came out of nowhere. Hahaha. I don't think I've ever connected with somebody inside a show as much as I have with you girls. I really hope we will stay in touch in college...cuz you guys are awesome. Thanks for giving me the courage to reach for my dreams in this crazy art we call theater. I love you girls. BLOOD SISTERS FOR LIFE!!

Kathy-- You are in a category of your own. I can't tell you how much of an encouraging, loving, caring, understanding person you have been over this last year in my life. I seriously don't think I would have made it without you. You have challenged me to be the best that I can be in everything that I do, and I know that God sent you to me so that I would make it through this awful time we call Senior year. I am truly blessed to call you my mentor, friend, and second mom. I love you.

And to everyone else who has been there for me this year, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! You know who you are, and I am so SO blessed to call you all friends.

till the ink dries,


  1. awh linds this put a tear in my eye! i love you so much girl! i can seriously ditto all those things you've said above, as well as so much more for me! it's funny our of friendship is, but i'm am constantly blessed by you and you loving care and encouragement through my tough times! You were never there to put my down, judge me or look down on me, but rather to help my through my troubles, and tell me 'it's not the end of the world' and to say thing HOW THEY WERE!!! sometimes you said the tough stuff no one else would, but to hear the honest truth from a caring friend means so much to me! plus i always can be myself around you, and that's what a real friendship is about! i love being silly, serious, funny, crazy, sad, angry, heartbroken, or in party-mode with you! Thanks for everything, and i hope i can continue to help you through life's little troubles and I AM THE ONE to be honored to call you muh bestiiee! <3 xx

  2. LINDS this made my day!! And I totally ditto what you said! I am so so thankful for you!! You are so wonderful and I am SO blessed that you are my friend!! You are cheerful, very fun, beautiful, talented, and all around fabulous! Girl wherever you are is a PARTAYYY! Thanks for your encouragement, advice, prayers, and friendship. I don't know what I would do without my Linds!! So glad you are in my life!! Love you much!!! Lil :o)
