

Teenage Dream- Day 17

Yeah, yeah, yeah... It's been awhile since I did my picture challenge. From now I'm just going to do it when I feel like it because it has obviously gone on longer than a month and really doesn't matter any more.

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Definitely our "Love Life" series at church. Through this series, I have learned what it really means to be in a relationship and how sharing your life with someone is not something to be taken lightly. Being a teenage girl, I think about my future husband/boyfriend (whichever comes first.;) on a daily basis. I so desire to have that one person in my life who will laugh with me, love me, and be there when the going gets tough.

Although it's very hard to explain everything I've learned during this series, I hope you will ask me sometime. I have completely changed my view on relationships and honestly can't wait until "He" comes along. But right now, I'm very happy where God has me and very excited for what he has planned.

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