

Encounters at Target

If I only say one thing it will be that God works in incredible and mysterious ways.

Whenever I talk about college to friends, I become more and more uncertain of myself and where I'm supposed to be. A part of me believes with my whole heart that music is where I am gifted, the other part of me thinks that I'll never make a living out of it and have to support myself through other means. Many times people are confused by the fact that I want to pursue a life of making and performing music. It's a slap in the face when they ask what I really want to do with my life. It seems as though I take two steps backward whenever I get shot down with a dose of reality.

After talking about college with some incredible girlfriends, I made a trip to Target. I grabbed my items and made it to the checkout. I set my items on the rolling, treadmill thing and the cashier just stared at me for a moment. He asked me if I played music, and I said yes. At first I thought he was hitting on me, but I was completely surprised by what happened next. He looked at me and said, "I feel like God wants me to tell you that you have a gift and that you will do great things." I didn't even know how to respond. I'm sure my initial face was a pure shock and then I just thanked him. He said a "praise God!" and I left.

I barely made it to my car before I started bawling.

Here I am, at Target for pete's sake, and God is reminding me yet again, to trust in him fully and know that he has a plan for me. Wow. I don't think i've ever had a encounter with God that... blunt? obvious? in your face?? It still amazes me that I worship a God who can and WILL use other people (strangers, mind you) to speak through.


till the tears of immense joy end,


  1. SO AWESOME!!! I'm so happy for you! Walk boldly in that affirmation and use the talented abilities He has given you to glorify His kingdom!! God continually surprises us because we stick Him where He doesn't belong...a box!

    sosososososososoososossososooso happy for you, friend!

  2. Linds! This gave me chills! Isn't God awesome?! I love that!! And you! So amazing!!
