

Unifieds and Goodbyes

Dear LORD it's been a long time. It's been SO crazy these past weeks with college auditions and the like. I recently got back this weekend from the Unified Auditions in Chicago! For those of you who don't know, Unifieds is when a bunch of schools (in this case, 25) come together in one setting for musical theater auditions. And It's CRAZY! After many stressful flights, hotel stays, and driving around in 3ft. of snow, I am happy to say that the process of college auditions are finally coming to a close. As of now, I only have two more auditions and I will be done!

In the mean time, I have also auditioned for The King and I through Starbright Players and I got a principle role!! For those of you who know the show--Lady Thiang! I get my own song and everything and am so so sooo excited. After taking a break from doing shows this semester, I'm so excited to dive right in and perform! It's about time I had some fun!

Not only are auditions slowing down, but everything else is seeming to wind down too. Swimming season is now officially over, and I find that I have nothing to do during the week now! I'm starting to realize that Senior year is coming to a close, and it's one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with.

I know, I know, It's only February. But you know what the sad thing is? I've already had to start saying goodbye! I had my last day of swim practice, and I realized I will probably never see some of those kids ever again. Of course I'll visit but as I've experienced with some other graduates, you can't see people every time they come home. It's so sad!! :(

Alright, enough with the sad. I'm really not ready for all that quite yet, but I know I'll have to face it sooner or later.

Will post more about Unifieds and the few pics that I took later!

till the party ends,


  1. LINDS!!! I am so excited that you got a big role! I will have to come see it! And babe you will definitely see Lil:) I will stalk you hahahaha ~:-) love you honey!!!

  2. I DIDNT KNOW THAT YOU GOT LADY THIANG!!!!! that is awesome! im so proud of you!!! the blood sisters will SO totally be there!

  3. whoa lindseyy! goshh i have to figure out what you're up to be reading your blog!?! clearly we need to hangout! but congrast on the big role! tell us dates when they are printed and ill come to your show! post pictures soon of your auditions! the stress will come to an end soon, girl, i can't wait to hear over the next few weeks and months to see where you got accepted! <3
