

becoming a woman of God.

I am struggling with the transition of childhood to... well, boring. I am seriously one of those people that never want to grow up. That Toys 'R' Us slogan comes to mind... "I don't wanna grow up, I wanna be a Toys 'R' Us kid." I also think about Peter Pan and the magical mystery of never growing old.

But then again... If I never get old then I'm missing out on half the fun God has in store for me! The thing is... I don't know how to act like a grown up. How am I supposed to ask for respect and to be treated like an adult when I still watch cartoons and eat Fruit Loops in the morning? How (and when) do I make that transition?

Of course it's not as easy as saying "Alright! I'm 18! Time to be an adult!". Nothing is ever that easy. But I can pray everyday that God will change my heart into the woman he wants me to be. And what better guide than Proverbs 31 to help me along the way? I had a friend that recently blogged about that passage and it really stirred something in me: a desire to be a Godly woman. Not only one who fears the Lord, but one who also loves her husband, laughs without fear of the future, and one who is clothed with strength and dignity. Haha, you're probably saying. "Lindsey and dignity? Those two definitely don't go together..." But guess what? I'm actually going to try now, because this is what God desires for all his beautiful daughters! Now, does that mean that I still won't laugh and be crazy and have lots of fun? Of course not! It means that I am going to try harder to be that amazing woman of God that He wants me to be!

So, it has begun. My official and daily quest to be more like a woman of Christ. :)

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