

Be my everything.

Wow, what a crazy month it has been! This has been the busiest summer ever, but I have had nothing but fun. Since I graduated, I have gone to the lake, attended an Owl City concert, saw a classic at the new Franklin Theater, coached a swim team of 60+ kids, registered for classes at Webster, and went to summer camp!!

During that camp, I have come to so many realizations about my life. Like, how much focus I have been putting on relationships lately. Not just friendships, by dating relationships too. It's hard to come to grips with, but I think God has made it clear that he doesn't want me in one right now. At least before I leave for college, anyway. Which, really sucks. I spend so much time looking for that person, only to be let down by the fact that I haven't met him yet.

There's that, and oh yeah, the fact that I will be attending college five hours away from home in the fall. I can't get over it, and it's just starting to sink in that I will be starting over. No job, no friends, no parents, no sibling, no church, and no familiarity of St. Louis at ALL. Everything that I do seems to center around the fact that it's the LAST time that i'll be doing it for awhile, and I hate that!

It's hard to completely focus on God and trust him when all these things seems to center around me. I worry about how I am going to affect students at my school, I worry about when Ifind that right person, will I know he's the one... It's so difficult to not make my world revolve around me.

At camp, one of our pastors talked about how we just put God on 'the list', but then we don't let him impact any of our other priorities. As a person who has actually sat down and written their priorities out, this one hit me hard. Yes, God is number one on my list, but does that really mean I let him be apart of every aspect of my life, too?

I was instantly reminded of Colossians 3:17. (I LOVE the Message version!)

•••►"Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way."

I am not perfect, and I certainly know that I will make mistakes, but I pray that God would shine in every aspect of my life, and maybe even impact someone else's life along the way!

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